How eco-friendly are you really?

5 minute read.

You may think you’re environmentally friendly, after all, you make sure you diligently fill your recycling bin each week with your discarded paper, jars and cartons – but in reality, that’s just the basics. 

Don’t get me wrong, this is commendable, but being environmentally conscious is now more important than ever before, and this means that we all must look further than recycling empty bottles.

Today's children are growing up in a world that must find a way to get on top of environmental issues. Why? Well, because it’s a matter of survival and if it’s not taken seriously and action taken, their world will look a whole lot different to ours.

But what can we do, as families, in our everyday lives, to ensure we become more eco-friendly?

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Creative Project Services Ltd

Well, even small changes can make a big difference, so here are 10 quick and relatively easy ideas that can be implemented immediately. 

Leaving electrical products on standby needlessly uses energy. Whilst you may think it’s such an insignificant amount it’s hardly worth it, look at the bigger picture and consider the potential overall reduction in the carbon footprint if not just you, but everyone hit the off switch! 

Waste not, want not
More than 7.3 million tonnes of food goes uneaten in the UK every year. This is not only a huge waste of food – and money – but it also adds to the amount of CO2 being created in landfill sites. Think you’re saving money with those tempting BOGOF offers? If it goes to waste because you’ve bought too much food, the planet suffers even though your purse has not. Only buy what you need and know you will consume.

Invest in a composter 
If you do need to throw away food from time to time, don’t just put it in the bin. Instead, compost it as this will create a natural fertiliser for your garden and reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.

Say no to plastic
Plastic is all around us and appears to have crept into every aspect of our everyday lives. However, it’s simple to make a few changes so that plastic does not feature so heavily.  Try saying no to plastic by implementing rules such as these:

  • Take a canvas bag with you when you go shopping
  • Buy loose fruit and veg from the supermarket
  • Avoid buying bottled water.

Install LED light bulbs
LED light bulbs are super-efficient – and they have a longer life span so what’s not to love! By swapping your standard bulbs to LED’s, you’ll use less power so your energy bill will be lower, and you won’t need to replace bulbs as frequently either. It’s a win-win. 

Fix it, don’t throw it away
We live in a world of disposable goods and we seem to have forgotten that it’s often perfectly possible to repair a broken object, rather than simply throwing it away.  Fixing something is far more environmentally friendly, although the latter may seem easier and cheaper sometimes. 

If you can’t fix it, upcycle it!
Beyond repair? Make it into something else! Make an old ladder into a quirky bookcase. Revamp a broken tennis racquet into a bespoke mirror or a bike wheel into a clock. Be creative and fashion something totally unique.

Consider eco-friendly cleaning products 
Many cleaning products contain chemicals that are neither environmentally friendly to produce in the first place, nor to dispose of, not to mention the fact that standard cleaning products may be harmful to breathe in. Eco-friendly cleaning products are natural and less harmful, so consider switching for the environmental and the health benefits.

Plant a tree
Making sure that we’re planting more trees to replace those that have been cut down to make room for housing and retail developments is a small but significant gesture that we can all do to protect the environment and improve air quality. Just think, if everyone in the world planted just one tree, that would equate to 7.7 billion trees!

By insulating your home you’ll stay warmer using less energy when it’s cold and stay cool when the weather is hot! Insulating your home is one of the best eco-friendly actions you can take. 

These eco-tips are pretty simple, and we can certainly all incorporate them easily into our homes and everyday lives. Of course, this is not a one-stop solution to the environmental issue, but if everyone does a little, then that contributes a lot!